Managed funds get smarter

Managed funds can be a great way to diversify your portfolio and access new markets and strategies. You can now invest in managed funds with Bell Direct using mFunds.

Invest online in managed funds with Bell Direct and mFund

Invest online in managed funds with Bell Direct and mFund

Now you can invest in managed funds using the same platform as your shares, with your Bell Direct account and mFund.

mFund is a new ASX service powered by CHESS settlement that allows you to buy and sell units in managed funds with the same security and reliability as any other ASX investments.

When you invest in managed funds, you can access:

Instant diversification

Diversify your portfolio by accessing a range of usually restricted assets.

Specialised strategies & expertise

Invest in new markets, asset classes and strategies: international and domestic, sector based and strategy oriented whilst benefitting from specialist expertise of investment managers.

Fast and convenient online transactions

No paper, no application forms – use your existing trading account with Bell Direct to place fast online orders and benefit from standardised settlements through CHESS.

All your investments in one place

Track and manage your mFund investments in the same place as your share portfolio, with consolidated and easy-to-read reporting.

New advanced mFund filters

Our new advanced mFund functionality enables you to review performance, prices, charts and fund information. You can filter your selection by: 

  • Asset class 
  • Sector 
  • Issuer 
  • ICR (Indirect Cost Ratio) 
  • Fee 

These filters are available in the 'Quotes & News' tab in the Managed Funds section of our member area.

Learn how to invest in managed funds with Bell Direct and mFund

Demos 19th November 2014

How to invest in managed funds with Bell Direct and mFund

See all FAQs

Managed funds FAQs

mFund is the settlement service provided by ASX to enable investors to buy and sell units in unlisted managed funds directly with fund managers via their Bell Direct trading account.

The service uses CHESS settlement system to automate and track the process of buying (applying for) and selling (redeeming) units in managed funds. Investors’ holdings in these funds are held electronically and can be linked to the same HIN used to hold other investments transacted through ASX, such as shares.

To find out more, download the ASX mFund Brochure and the ASX mFund fact sheet.

Investing in managed funds with mFund is similar to investing in equities. Simply place an order online through our Managed Funds order pad. No need to provide any additional paperwork. Funds will settle through your existing Bell Cash Trust.

To invest, follow these 3 steps:

  1. You can either login to your account and research mFund products from the Managed Funds page, read the fund profile and the PDS; or to search by asset class, sector or other attributes, visit the ASX mFund page.
  2. When you’re ready to invest, choose the 'Managed Funds' option on the Order Pad and place your order online.
  3. Your new mFund units are transferred to your CHESS holdings and you’ll see them in your portfolio.

To sell your managed funds units, go to the Managed Funds order pad, choose the 'Sell' option and enter the quantity you plan to sell.

  • For trades placed on Bell Direct website, the brokerage is $30 or 0.1%, whichever is greater
  • For trades placed over the phone, the brokerage is $60 or 0.2%, whichever is greater